Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Note About the Route

Many of you have asked about our route. For the majority of the trip, we are following the Transamerica Trail, shown above. Once we get to Missoula, we plan to join the Lewis & Clark Trail for a short distance, and then a DIY route from Eastern Washington to home. More detail regarding the Transam or Lewis & Clark can be found at


  1. hey dolls, the map is nice but i kinda wouldn't mind seeing another pic of you two in Bumpass.

    anyhow, we think of you two often and i even wore a dress in your honor today. yes, a dress!

  2. Hey Coach. Hey Neighby. One week and right on target. Sounds (and looks) like so much fun and also know its lots of work. Nice to know that your fingers and toes are polished, Kath.
    So, has Rascal caught up with you yet? Turns out he left the Y in Pittsburgh and no one knows for sure where he is. Probably with some wild hare he ran in to.
    I had called the vet and scheduled him for more dental work, the orthodontia that you had talked about, so I hope he gets back in time for the appointments.
    Rents paid. Lawn mowed. Garden watered. Alls well.
